B. Three fronts of objectives. These three levels of objectives should be realized on all three fronts:

1st front: attattha, i.e. the objective for oneself or one’s own benefit; the three levels of benefits explained above, which one should realize for oneself or develop one’s life to attain.

2nd front: parattha, i.e. the objective for others or other people’s benefit; i.e. the three levels of benefits explained above, which one should help other people successively achieve by guiding and encouraging

them to develop their lives.

3rd front: ubhayattha, i.e. the mutual objective or benefit to both parties; the collective benefit, happiness and virtue of the community or society, including environmental conditions and factors, which we should help create and conserve in order to help both ourselves and others advance to the three levels of objectives mentioned above.

Buddhist Discipline - Steering Life to Objectives